baobab Consultants


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baobab Consultants baobab Consultants baobab Consultants baobab Consultants baobab Consultants

baobab is a team of professionals in International Development and Humanitarian Aid with more than 25 years of experience.

baobab wants to help organisations working in development to enhance the quality of their work by offering the following services:

  • Strategic planning.
  • Program identification and design.
  • Program / project evaluation.
  • Monitoring, evaluation and learning systems.
  • Institutional capacity building.
  • Research and policies.

baobab's working model is based on :

  • A multidisciplinary team.
  • A wide network of contacts in the South.
  • A methodological design that fits the needs of each specific project.
  • A merge of theoretical knowledge and field experience.
© 2008     Baobab Consultoria, Carretera Nova, 52, Esc D, 2-1, 08530-La Garriga, Barcelona    Tel.: (34) 626 855 330